please finish....
that was very bad ass! you had me on the edge of my seat! damn it! it looks very bad ass! very nice animation, i like thae character and all the details you have in there. and i understand where you are coming from on posting it up b4 it's done. i do that alot too. i want people's opinion and i get excited so i post it. things to do with that though? hmmm.... well obviously you have told a lil bit of the story, so when the song reaches that peak like that, BIG fight scene! let it go on for a tid bit, then say something like who his enemy is, or what not, and then show a kind of descreate picture of the main badguy, then cut into some other text like," now he must find the source and destroy it!" or something like that, then have a bunch of fast paced action scenes and then wrap it all up and end it and tell when you think it will be ready by, then the credits! i hope this helps you out some, maybe get your mind realing or something. e-mail me sometime at tell me how the movie is going and if you need any pointers. laters
-matman- p.s. check out some of my movies, they are alot like yours.